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Born August 2013

Sir Ruger Ferguson x Ferguson's Prarie Storm JH


Hi Liz!

Your post on FB reminded me to send this picture of Paddington. Isn't he a doll? I should weigh him too. I've been wondering what he's up to now. He's doing really well. He's in the final puppy class. We'll try for CGC in the next month or so. He's still a snuggle bug but also more and more independent. He loves puppy play time at school and car rides and walks. But we all can't wait for spring. Luckily, the kids love to play hide and seek with him and fetch in the basement. And he gets lots of time at petsmart and home depot. We are definitely into adolescence. That lab mouth needs to have something to chew on all the time. Luckily I've only lost one pair of shoes and he leaves the permanent things alone. Do you recall how long this phase lasted with Storm and Ruger? Any advice on anything we should be doing to make sure it's just a phase? Anyway, I was glad to see his brother's picture online. I'm sorry to hear Storm isn't pregnant after all. Hope you are well!




Born August 2013

Sir Ruger Ferguson x Ferguson's Prarie Storm JH


Hi Liz,

Just checking in to let you know Wilbur is doing great at 7 months! He is a little spoiled as you can see by the attached picture where I caught him napping on the couch!


Born November 2015

Canvasback Rtrievers Rollin' Coal x Canvasback Retrievers Lady


Hi Liz!

Just wanted to drop a quick note and let you know my pup named Kona is sure something special! She is doing great and loving her active days. She has her potty training pretty much down and is always quick to come when called. A coulpe attachments, I will try to send more in the future. 

Thanks Liz and best to you,

Jon G.

3 Months


Born November 2015

Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal X Canvasback Retrievers Lady


The sitting came naturally. He is a smart dog. Already scratches at the door to go potty. The vet said he is very healthy, and the puppy class trainer said he is the most well behaved/smartest dog they have had here in years.

8 Weeks

4 Months

6 Months

6 Months


Born November 2015

Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal X Canvasback Retrievers Lady


     Iink had his first major vet visit as an older puppy today to get his preceeding rounds of vaccines and a microchip. I decided to take him to my university's vetrinary school at ISU; as one of my old preffessors is a very talented doctor there that specializes in dogs. He weighed in at 47.8 pounds as I expected since he is such a ball of muscle. The best part was when he came back with the vet, she complimented me on on how well behaved he was for a puppy. As for training Iink knows how to sit, Lie down, Stay, Stop, Heel ect. All with whistle voice and or hand commands. Still working on better retrieveing skills but so far he's definately not shy of guns or loud noises. 


Hope everything is going well in your home and with your babies,




Born December 2016

Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal JH X Fergusons Prairie Storm JH


     She is completely healthy, got her vaccinations and I talked to them about the agreement. She said that you are a really good breeder and we are very lucky. She said not all breeders care that much!


Picture is of Daughter Emma and Luna searching for the treats!





Born April 2016

Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal JH x Fergusons Prairie Storm JH


 June 2016 -

Here is Wilson,relaxing on our Seahawks bench, yesterday:) He is such a good puppy and we ♡ him bunches! Once again, Liz, we are so happy we found you / Canvasback Retrievers:) Wilson is such a great addition to our family:)


July 2016-

A new photo of your Storm and Cole's pup, we call Wilson...he is so much more than we ever expected, such a sweet, witty, intelligent, obedient pup. ..we love him so much:)


December 2016-

Hi Liz:)Our Wilson is almost 8 months old and 70 # now:) A sweet soul who brings so much laughter, joy, and love to our family:)
Thinking of you, and hoping all is well!Puppies coming soon for you, how exciting♡


Kimberly and Billy




Born April 2016

Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal JH X Ferguson's Prairie Storm JH


July 2016 -

Lily is doing absolutely great! She is growing like a weed and getting smarter everyday! She is over halfway thru her puppy class and we just started puppy agility with her last week 🐾







Born December 2014

SSL Giving Maximum Punishment MH X Ferguson's Prairie Storm JH


May 2015 -

Storm loves fishing, swimming, and most of all, RETRIEVING! (her favorite thing in the world). We love her so much and are so happy with her!






Born 2017
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x
Ferguson's Prairie Storm 
Luna 2018
Born 2017
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal Canvasback Retrievers Lady 
Born 2017
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x Fergusons Prairie Storm
Born 2017
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x Canvasback Retrievers Lady
Born 2018
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x Canvasback Retrievers Warrior Princess
Born 2016
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x Ferguson's Prairie Storm
Born 2017
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x Canvasback Retrievers Warrior Princess
Born 2018
Canvasback Retrievers Rollin' Coal x Canvasback Retrievers Warrior Princess

Reggie - 

Born October 2020

Hoof-N-Paws Hades of Lavish Labs X Canvasback Retrievers Warrior Princess 


December 2020 -

Hi Liz,
Wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Holidays! We couldn’t be more thrilled with our newest addition to the family, Reggie (red collar).

He is such a smart boy and is learning so quickly! He loves his crate—we were able to sleep in a separate room after 4 nights! We went a whole week after bringing him home before his first accident in the house, and has done well (knock on wood) with potty training since!

His favorite things are munching on leaves, taking naps in his humans’ laps, and FOOD. He loves to meet new people, but especially loves his cousin Sierra (a 100+ lb Czech Shepherd). He’s learning to *gently* love his sister Luna (cat), although she’s still warming up to him!

When we took him to the vet, and they said he was a perfectly healthy little guy—no surprise there. They loved him so much, they’re featuring him as their January “Pup of the Month” on their website/social media!

I’ve included a few of our favorite pictures here. We are so happy with him, and cannot thank you enough! Hope you and little Freija are doing well!


Reggie - Hades x Xena
Reggie - Xena x Hades
Reggie - Hades x Xena
Reggie - Hades x Xena
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